Everyone seems to love these chicken wings. The big difference between the ones you get in a bar is that these are grilled, not deep fried.
Get yourself a pack of wings. If you like just drummies, try Kowalski’s.
Rinse lightly, pat dry with paper towel.
Always wash your hands after handing raw chicken
Put wings in a large zip-lock baggy.
Add a little EVOO to lightly coat the wings.
Bone Suck’in Rub
Famous Dave’s – Try the Devil’s Spit one if you can find it.
Chili Powder
Cayenne Pepper – This is the variable. I add a lot to give the wings a good kick.
Poor in the baggy and mix the wings around until they’re all coated.
Place flat down in fridge for a couple of hours. Every once and a wile take them out and fluff them up again.
Grilling Wings – this is where most people screw it up:
They can take an hour or so using this technique. Be patient. Have a cocktail or three
Preheat the grill – assuming you’re using gas. For charcoal – use the off-set foil technique.
When the grill gets hot. Shut off one side and leave the other on high – med high.
Put the wings on the side that’s off.
Check on the after about ½ hour, then regulate your heated side so they start to get a char. Flip and turn the wings as necessary.
Keep going! Be cool! Don’t rush it!
Toward the end, you can flip the wings over to the hot side of the grill to get a little more char.
Take the wings off and serve with Blue Cheese and Ranch, of course.
